Instead of searching for answers on the website, you might prefer to ask our AI powered Chat system (just click on the button on the bottom right of the screen that looks like the image to the left). You can ask it questions in plain English, and it will direct you to a relevant help page on our website. It can answer our most commonly asked questions and we are striving to improve it as time goes on.

Don’t worry, it is not there to try to “fob you off” – it is very good at answering common questions quickly and if it can’t, it will direct you how to get in touch.

Why not give it a go?

Can’t find an article relevant to you?

Try entering some words about the topic that you want help on, to Search our advice articles.
or view the list of all our Help/Advice topics

The above articles are a selection of the most common issues that people look for help/advice on. The National Citizens Advice website has even more information that might help you to find immediate help/advice on the issue you have.

The following links open in a new window.

If you are unable to find the help/advice that you require in the above articles then the quickest way to get help is by filling in the following Advice form. By taking the time to enter all the information it will help us to help you quicker than if you just call us.

Please check the areas where we can offer support and read the Client Agreement between you and Citizens Advice Rural Cambs before contacting us for help/advice, thank you.

    Please note that we are only able to offer support to people who live in the coloured area indicated in the map below. If you live outside this area please visit the National Citizens Advice website for help, thank you.

    CARC coverage map

    About You

    Date of Birth (required)

    Using your Information

    To comply with the Data Protection Act (1998) we must ask for your permission before we record, store, share and process your data. These details may include personal and sensitive information.

    Therefore we would be grateful if you could read and tick the permissions you are happy to provide to us to allow us to improve, monitor and evaluate our services

    What are you worried about?

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Are you:

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    If you have a tenancy:

    Housing benefit:


    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Please enter other other other other other problems here, not

    How can we help?

    Follow up feedback

    We want to make sure the service you receive meets your needs. To help us understand this and improve our service, Citizens Advice may want to contact you at a later date to ask for your feedback. We will only share the information that is absolutely necessary.

    If so, can we contact you by:

    Legal Protection

    Please note that we aim to respond within 3 working days.

    If you have a simple query you can contact us via Chat.

    Note this is only available when our staff are not all busy responding to requests for help submitted via forms or over the telephone.

    If it is available you will see a chat link in the bottom corner of the website.

    If you have a simple query but are unable to contact us via Chat (if it is available you will see a chat link in the bottom corner of the website) then please consider using the national Citizens Advice Chat facility.

    This is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm: click here to Chat with them.

    If you need urgent help please call our Adviceline. Please note that our advisers are very busy, so if you are able to submit an advice form it would help us to offer the best possible service to all our customers.

    Our Adviceline service is open from 9:30 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon, Monday to Friday, with late opening until 7:00 in the evening on Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Call 0808 278 7807 (free)
